Sunday, October 26, 2008

Css Launch Options -dxlevel -novid



for 8.

4-6 kilos of snails.
A good handful of herbs: Ragwort (herba-sana), marjoram (moraduix), fennel (Fonoll) and thyme.
frying onions and tomatoes.
One or two peppers.
1, snails in a grid box and for a couple of days to give them lettuce.
2 The day before lavadlos thoroughly with water, until it comes out clean.
3 º Put snails in a deep pot and cover it with water, cover, and add the herbs, let him without lighting the fire to break out of its shell (this is called "fake"). 4 º Boil
snails over medium-low heat for 3 hours, without lifting the lid to the top so they do not go. Halfway through cooking let down plenty of salt.
5 º Let stand overnight.
The next day, well COLADE snails and throw the broth.

In another pot, also of good size, make a sauce with plenty of onions (about 3 kilos) and tomato. Add more herbs, herba-sana, moraduix, Fonoll and thyme. Also add a chilli or dos.Salad well. Then add plenty of water when it boils put the snails that we had reserved. Boil two hours over low heat. Add salt. They should be somewhat salty and a little spicy.

Serve in large fonts and accompanying with garlic mayonnaise.

For starters usually make rice with snails.

Freid in a few earthenware pieces of pork chop and a small cut small pieces of lamb skirt. Salad. Add tomato troceadito and Freud, then add boiling water and when this is added a handful of peas and some green beans and a bit of the reserved broth snails have also add a few snails (the proportion is to the eye, flavor as you like, you have to keep trying).
Boil for 15-20 minutes and finally add the rice (mean cup per person to stay with stock). Boil 11 minutes and extinguished the fire y. .... to eat right away.

have developed recipes and Barbara Joan Sureda. Ramon was the one who patiently collected the snails in a few days of rain.


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